zero waste

Going Zero Waste With Kids

Going Zero Waste With Kids

Zero waste living certainly gets a little trickier when kids are in the picture. Erin Rhoads shares her tips on how you can go zero waste with kids with ease. 
Jodi Wilson - Practising Simplicity

Pip Profile: Jodi Wilson (Practising Simplicity)

Writer, photographer and author of ‘Practising Simplicity’, Jodi Wilson reveals how she practises “frugal abundance” and shares the three ways we can all introduce “simplicity” into our own lives. Living with less, simplifying our lives and slowing down are all concepts near…

Sustainable Mother's Day gift ideas

5 Sustainable Mother’s Day Gift Ideas

Mother’s Day might be round the corner, but that doesn’t mean it has to cost the earth. This Mother’s Day, if you plan to celebrate your mother with a gift, choose one that honours Mother Earth too, from the Pip Shop. And to help, we’ve hand picked our top ideas and created our very own Ethical Mother’s… View more

A zero waste life Anita Vandyke

Pip Profile: Anita Vandyke

Anita Vandyke – zero waste advocate and author of ‘A Zero Waste Life’ – shares with us her journey to zero waste living and offers some quick, easy waste free tips. Qualified rocket scientist, medical doctor (Bachelor of Engineering –…

Making Newspaper Seedling Pots

Making Newspaper Seedling Pots

Making newspaper seedling pots is an inexpensive and sustainable way to raise your seedlings. Not only are you eliminating plastic from the process, but it’s better for your plants, too.  There are so many advantages to using paper seedling pots. In…

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