Grow Your Own Herbal First Aid Kit

We bring you the herbs and plants you will need to grow to create your own herbal first aid kit.

Have you ever sipped chamomile tea for a better night’s sleep or eaten lots of citrus in the winter for more Vitamin C? Using food and herbs to maintain health was once a common practice within our culture. One need not be a naturopath to understand and to utilise this ancient knowledge. All that is required is a bit of time and willingness to build a relationship with the herbs in your life.

In permaculture, there is an enormous emphasis on building food systems and regenerating soils. With little effort you can incorporate medicinal herbs into your systems for added resilience. If you have animals in your systems, consider growing medicinal herbs for maximising their health as well.

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39 herbs and plants for your herbal first aid kit

Here are the herbs and plants you should be growing in your garden or food forest to start building a herbal first aid kit.

Immune Support: Astragalus, Echinacea, Gotu Kola

Lymph Movers and Blood Cleansers: Red Clover, Cleavers, Poke

Urinary Tract Support: Yarrow, Juniper, Corn Silk, Uva Ursi

Anti-Parasitic: Garlic, Wormwood, Spilanthes, Black Walnut

Pain Relief: Valerian, Silk Tassel, Wild Lettuce, Skullcap

5 Reasons To Plant Hops At Home

Stress/Shock: Hops, Lemon Balm, Passion Flower, Valerian

Anti-Infective: Yarrow, Mullein, Rosemary, Garlic

Respiratory: Plantain, Horehound, Mullein, Elecampane

Digestive Aids: Centaury, Dandelion, Fennel, Calendula

Burns: Aloe, Comfrey, Yarrow, Grindelia

Skin: Calendula, Comfrey, Aloe, Honey

Sprain: Arnica, Comfrey, Lobelia, Goldenrod

  • Take note, some of these plants will need full sun and do best on the edges of your food forest or in the garden.

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